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We are pleased to announce we were recently accepted into NVIDIA's Inception Program!

Standard Match & Standard Work

Imagine a world where everyone had an AI mate to do their “work” automatically, 24/7, becoming more effective over time. We are taking the first step to build the base layer (Smart Match Protocol), enabling professionals to automatically make connections with the right counterparts in sectors where timely, precise networking drives revenue. In addition, we work with key stakeholders in several verticals to create real tangible value by architecting solutions that have a heavy impact.

Commercial Data

Standard's Tech Stack

High Value Outcomes








Increased Transactions Improved Collaboration Efficient Matching Unique Opportunities Enhanced Connectivity Reduced Manual Work

Standard Match: The Administrative Backbone

An AI and matrix factorization powered technology that serves to connect the dots between people and data that humans can't see. 

The vision for Standard Match is to become an integral part of every organization's workflow. It aims to ensure that every team member is working on tasks that align with their strengths and interests, leading to increased job satisfaction and productivity. This is achieved by using SMP's advanced AI capabilities to understand unique project requirements and individual capabilities, providing accurate project-role matches.

In the future, Standard Match envisions a world where resource allocation and project management are seamlessly automated. It aims to create an environment where every individual can contribute their best to every project they undertake, leading to a more efficient, productive, and satisfying work environment.


  • Researching
  • Sourcing
  • Data Processing
  • Sorting
  • Filtering
  • Network Optimization
  • Matching
  • Predictive Modeling
  • Semantic Search
  • Sentiment Analysis
  • Fraud Detection

Standard Work: The Operational Support System

24/7 business workmates that is an autonomous coworker that breaks down barriers in your business.

Our 24/7 autonomous work mate will be designed to learn and adapt over time. It uses machine learning to understand unique user preferences and work patterns, continuously improving its effectiveness and offering more tailored assistance as it accumulates knowledge and experience.

The 24/7 AI work mate is an artificially intelligent trusted partner that empowers human productivity by automating repetitive tasks, providing situational recommendations, connecting to people seamlessly, and proactively notifying users of important items. By seamlessly augmenting human efforts around the clock, addressing routine issues instantly, and optimizing its assistance using the latest AI, the work mate aims to profoundly impact productivity and enjoyment of work by making employees smarter and more fulfilled.


  • Task Automation
  • Email Marketing
  • Data Processing
  • Outbound Calls
  • Follow Ups
  • Reports
  • Customer Service
  • Forecasting
  • Monitoring
  • Scheduling

Workflow Examples by Industry

Real Estate Brokerage 

  • Prospect Sourcing & Listing Management:
  • Collect property data > Analyze market trends > Organize listings > Notify relevant agents > Update listing status.
  • Price Optimization:
  • Research market prices > Analyze property features > Predict optimal price > Adjust listing > Implement new price.
  • Neighborhood Analysis:
  • Input neighborhood data > Analyze local amenities and characteristics > Compare with other neighborhoods > Rank neighborhoods > Publish ranking reports.

M&A and Investment Brokerage

  • Deal Sourcing and Execution:
  • Identify > Analyze > Shortlist > Notify > Engage > Monitor > Close
  • Due Diligence:
  • Schedule > Conduct > Document > Review > Report
  • Valuation:
  • Input > Analyze > Calculate > Review > Present
  • Negotiation:
  • Prepare > Discuss > Propose > Agree > Finalize

Gov and Commercial Procurement

  • Vendor Verification:
  • Input > Verify > Document > Update > Notify
  • Contract Lifecycle:
  • Draft > Review > Negotiate > Finalize > Implement
  • Budget Planning:
  • Input > Analyze > Predict > Plan > Implement
  • Bid Management:
  • Advertise > Receive > Analyze > Award > Notify

Large Enterprise

  • Project Management:
  • Initiate > Plan > Execute > Monitor > Close
  • Team Collaboration:
  • Assign > Connect > Collaborate > Review > Improve
  • Budget Planning:
  • Input > Analyze > Predict > Plan >Approve > Implement


  • Talent Acquisition:
  • Receive > Screen > Shortlist > Notify > Interview > Hire > Monitor
  • Job Posting:
  • Create > Publish > Monitor > Update > Close
  • Talent Management:
  • Identify > Develop > Engage > Retain > Evaluate > Hire


  • Transaction Optimization:
  • Receive > Validate > Process > Batch > Confirm > Notify > Execute
  • Fraud Detection:
  • Monitor > Detect > Analyze > Match > Report > Resolve
  • Customer Onboarding:
  • Receive > Verify > Approve > Notify > Engage
  • Risk Assessment:
  • Identify > Analyze > Score > Report > Mitigate