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Mobilizing for a Better World: The Future of Engagement Technologies for Social Impact

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Tuesday, May 16, 2023 / Technology / By Standard Labs

Mobilizing for a Better World: The Future of Engagement Technologies for Social Impact

In today's fast-paced digital world, effective engagement strategies are crucial for social impact initiatives. They help create awareness, foster collaboration, and drive change across sectors and industries. Engagement technologies have emerged as powerful tools for organizations to communicate their mission, rally support, and achieve their objectives. This article summarizes the findings of a recent report by the Standard research team called Mobilizing for a Better World The Future of Engagement Technologies for Social Impact. The full report highlights the latest trends in engagement technologies, their challenges, and successful strategies for leveraging them for maximum social impact.

Understanding Engagement Technologies

Engagement technologies encompass a wide range of digital tools and platforms that facilitate communication, collaboration, and interaction among stakeholders. They play a critical role in promoting financial incentives and strong brand reputation, while addressing issues such as social isolation, by connecting people and communities around common goals.

Challenges of Engagement Technologies

Despite the numerous benefits, engagement technologies face several challenges, including:

  1. Limited resources: Many organizations might lack the funding or expertise to adopt and maintain cutting-edge engagement technologies effectively.

  2. Information overload: With an abundance of information available online, it can be difficult to cut through the noise and make a lasting impact on target audiences.

  3. Digital divide: A significant portion of the population still lacks access to the internet or digital devices, creating a barrier to engaging with these technologies.

  4. Privacy and security issues: Many engagement technologies require users to share personal information, potentially putting their privacy and security at risk.

  5. Ethical considerations: The use of engagement technologies raises ethical questions about data privacy, misinformation, and potential manipulation of user behavior.

Strategies For Effective Engagement

To overcome these challenges and harness the power of engagement technologies for social impact, organizations should consider the following key takeaways from the report:

  1. Align with organizational objectives: Ensure that the engagement technologies chosen support the organization's mission, values, and goals.

  2. Leverage capabilities: Use the unique capabilities of each engagement technology to create tailored, immersive experiences for users.

  3. Address target audience needs: Customize engagement strategies to resonate with specific target audiences and foster meaningful connections.

  4. Build communities: Encourage collaboration, participation, and dialogue among users, promoting a sense of belonging and shared ownership in the cause.

  5. Conduct research and gather insights: Continuously gather user feedback and insights to inform and refine engagement strategies.

  6. Harness user-generated content: Encourage users to contribute their own content, stories, and perspectives, deepening their connection to the cause.

  7. Measure engagement impact: Use data-driven metrics to assess the effectiveness of engagement strategies and make informed decisions for optimization.
    Examples of Engagement Technologies

Some popular engagement technologies and examples of their effective use in engagement include:

  1. Social Media

    It may sound obvious, but platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are still one of the most effective ways organizations can share content, engage with users, and amplify their message. Using the right platforms for your audience and using them effectively are key steps to developing an effective social strategy.

  2. Crowdfunding Platforms

    Sites like Kickstarter and Indiegogo empower organizations to raise funds and at the same time engage with supporters by bringing them closer to the mission. A newer form of crowdfunding is equity crowd raising, which enables organizations to sell small portions of equity to their most loyal supporters. The Ocean Cleanup is an environmental organization that leverages crowdfunding, digital storytelling, and social media to raise awareness and funds for ocean plastic cleanup efforts.

  3. Virtual Reality

    Immersive experiences are increasingly being used to give users a first-hand understanding of an organization's cause and motivate them to take action.

  4. Chatbots

    AI-driven chatbots like ChatGPT and GPT4 can provide personalized, on-demand support and information to users. They can enable the organization to better serve their community with information and resources even on a small budget. Crisis Text Line is an example of a helpline organization that uses chatbots effectively to provide immediate support and resources to individuals in crisis.

  5. Blockchain

    Decentralized technology can increase transparency and trust between organizations and their supporters. This is another way that organizations are able to offer financial incentives to community members for participation in creating shared value. Common Stack is a non-profit organization that aims to create public goods infrastructure for communities using blockchain and other web 3 technologies. The organization's flagship project, called "Hatch", is a funding and governance platform that uses token engineering to incentivize collaboration and fund community-led initiatives.

  6. Digital Storytelling tools

    Interactive multimedia tools such as videos, infographics, podcasts and even video games can make complex issues more accessible and engaging. Nonprofit Leadership Alliance is a nonprofit that effectively uses digital storytelling tools like webinars and podcasts to engage and educate the nonprofit leaders who make up their core community. Foldit is an online puzzle game that leverages gamification and crowdsourcing to solve complex protein folding problems, contributing to scientific research.

  7. Mobile Applications

    Custom-built mobile apps can provide users with a seamless, user-friendly experience on their devices. Girls Who Code is an example of a nonprofit that uses mobile applications effectively to engage and empower young girls to pursue careers in technology.

Key Takeaways on Leveraging Engagement Technologies

In order to get the most benefit out of engagement efforts the following key principles should be adhered to.

  1. Prioritize Engagement Objectives

    Define clear, measurable goals for engagement efforts and prioritize them based on expected outcomes and resource availability.

  2. Align Strategies

    Ensure that engagement strategies align with the organization's overall communication and fundraising strategies.

  3. Embrace Emerging Trends and Opportunities

    Stay up-to-date with the latest developments in engagement technologies and adapt to new opportunities as they arise. Examples such as Artificial Intelligence chatbots like ChatGPT, or Virtual Reality are recent technologies that have helped organizations scale their impact. Identifying the next ones is a worthwhile investment in your organization’s future.


Engagement technologies have the potential to revolutionize the way organizations drive social impact and build supportive communities. By addressing the challenges and risks associated with these technologies and adopting best practices, organizations can harness their power to create meaningful change. As the world of engagement technologies continues to evolve, staying ahead of the curve and embracing innovation will be crucial to maximizing their potential for social impact.

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Mobilizing for a Better World The Future of Engagement Technologies for Social Impact